XtreamCP Nulled IPTV Software Build your own IPTV streaming solution from scratch with the lowest price on the market and the most powerful software with many features. Now its Nulled by SlaSerXDEV
XtreamCP Nulled Last official Version 4
Easy integration with any Platform or Application
Web Player directly in the browser on any device.
API connection with Rebranded applications.
Easy and intuitive configuration in just 5 minutes.
Everything is at hand with detailed management and system monitoring.
Thanks to the easy and fast setup wizard, your panel is ready in minutes.
Advanced features for a complete IPTV solution
IP Geolocation detection and ISP blocking.
Fully secure (https) streaming with free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt.
Minimal CPU and RAM resources for excellent operation as well as unlimited Load Balancer installation.
On Demand streaming and connection to the TMDb database for Movies and Series.
Easy Setup
Thanks to the easy and fast setup wizard, your panel is ready in minutes complete security and control because all files will be on your server (including ADMIN files).
Web Player
Web Player integrated directly in the admin panel.
Thanks to advanced modules and detailed management, you are in control.
Quick view Geolocation in real time.
✔ New Update: XCP Panel → 07/10/2021
➔ Fix in xpcom.common file
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 06/10/2021
➔ Order Streams in Manager Streams ( to edit you have to go Channel Order )
➔ Added Forced Country ( Panel Resellers )
➔ Added ALL Forced Country
➔ Added ( now you can enable or disable page APPS en settings for resellers )
➔ Added MAG522W1, MAG522W2 and MAG522W3
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 30/08/2021
➔ Fixed bug Dashboard Stats ( need to clear browser cache )
➔ New page with MB info of DB tables
➔ Added MB info on Quick Tools
➔ Added Tmdb (es-MX) Latin America (database.php)
➔ Fixed bug resellers could see tickets from other resellers – contribution member @leadersat
➔ More info at Manager Servers (remodeled) – contribution member @akawi11
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 12/07/2021
➔ Added Panel Resellers Info last 10 Movies and Series
➔ Added Show Page Duplicate Movies and Clear Duplicate Movies
➔ Added Button Enable or Disable Convert MAG to M3U ( Settings )
➔ Update phpMiniAdmin (database.php)
➔ Fixed some more errors
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 30/07/2021
➔ Fixed error add multiple episodes
➔ Added IP in Login Logs page
➔ Added button DELETE entry in Login Logs and Reseller Logs
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 27/07/2021
➔ Added the extended line again ( error in version 35 )
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 26/07/2021
➔ Added TMDb Language in Movies and Series
➔ Added Enable and Disable Folder Scan in Folder Watch
➔ Added Convert MAG to M3U ( Admin and Resellers )
➔ Fixed Login Logs Page
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 23/07/2021
➔ Added search TMDB ID ( Movies and Series )
➔ Added info Is Restream in Live Connections
➔ Added info Line Created in manager Users
➔ More fixes and Things
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 11/07/2021
➔ Correction on all pages sort table ( descending and ascending )
➔ Added option TMDB HTTP, can activate in Settings, can now put TMDB images in http, works in add manual VOD or add automatic in folder watch ( for devices that have problems with https images )
➔ Added Auto Clear Logs in Quick Tolls
➔ Added mass replacement of dns on covers in movies and series in Tools
➔ Fixed some bugs
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 04/07/2021
➔ Backup MB reduction ( everything works normal – Restore Backup and Download Backup )
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 02/07/2021
➔ Added Backup Google Drive
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 27/06/2021
➔ Fixed CPU after update 29
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 26/06/2021
➔ Stream Statistics
➔ Movie Statistics
➔ Series Statistics
➔ Users Statistics ( Streams, Movies and Series )
➔ Resellers Statistics ( remodeled )
➔ Added Download Playlist inside edit user ( admin and reseller – device mags and users )
➔ Reseller can now change Username on Device Mags
➔ Added MAG524 and MAG524W3
➔ Fixed some bugs
➔ More things
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 02/06/2021
➔ Added more info on Movies and Episodes
➔ Added Resellers Statistcs
➔ Other fixes and things
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 31/05/2021
➔ Added Covers of the Movies, Series and Episodes
➔ Added Username and Mac in Live Connections, Activity Logs and Manager Mags
➔ Added Network Duplex ( Activate on Manager Servers )
➔ Now reseller in add mag can enter username for mag device
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 12/05/2021
➔ New Info Servers on Dashboard
➔ Added Duration Movies and Episodes
➔ Added Deinterlacing Filter on profiles Transcode
➔ Line IP Usage as default now last hour
➔ Added Teste Download URL on Settings Mags
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 07/05/2021
➔ Import Series/Episodes content
➔ Statistics on the Dashboard ( Enable and Disable in General Settings )
➔ Added info on mags devices ( Adult Pin, STB Type, Image Version, Primary Device, Secondary Device, Secondary Device, ISP Lock Info )
➔ Add Network progress bar on Dashboard
➔ Extended Line Users M3u, Mags and Enigma2 ( Admin )
➔ Added Default Aspect Ratio Mag Devices
➔ Added Mag Lock Image
➔ Added Disable Portal
➔ Added Allow Recording
➔ Added STB Type on Manager Mags
➔ Http CF Connecting IP on Settings
➔ Block VPN & PROXIES & SERVERS on Settings
➔ Fixed error search Is Restreamer on User Mass Edit
➔ Added ISP Lock Info on M3U Lines
➔ Added Active Connections on Manager Mags page
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 17/04/2021
➔ Fixed alter Automatic Backups and Backups to Keep
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 13/04/2021
➔ Icons in page Streams
➔ Added backup download on the panel
➔ Added percentage of the disk used in the Dashboard and page Process Monitor
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 08/04/2021
➔ Fixed Folder Watch
➔ Add Mag 520 and resolution 4K
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 22/03/2021
➔ Update geolite Balancer ( Manager Servers )
➔ Fixed ISP
➔ Delete movie file in the /movies folder when deleting from the panel
➔ Fixed Servers ID ( if you remove a loadbalance when installing a new one the ID is the same as the previous one you deleted )
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 20/03/2021
➔ Added redirect stream option to add streams, episodes and movies
➔ Correction in the function clear logs
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 10/03/2021
➔ New Design
➔ Added Ticket Alert in Dashboard Admin
➔ Added check source in edit stream
➔ Added telegram ( receives messages added and offline servers )
➔ Added m3u lines entirely in https ( need to install ssl )
➔ Other Things and Fixes
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 02/02/2021
➔ Fixed force country user mass edit
➔ Add isp block in edit user panel resellers
➔ User ID number in expiring lines panel resellers
➔ Add Check lines Provider ( go to database and and launch the query below ) – image ➔ https://imgur.com/lAcBZ4g.png
CREATE TABLE `streams_providers` (`provider_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `provider_name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `provider_dns` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `username` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `password` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`provider_id`), KEY `provider_name` (`provider_name`), KEY `provider_dns` (`provider_dns`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 27/01/2021
➔ added year to movies on tmdb
➔ added button to enable or disable popup save edit in edit profile
➔ added new tab to edit ips in the streaming_servers table
➔ added new tab for cleaning logs and tables
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 26/01/2021
➔ Fixed Geolite, added script to check if the geolite is 0KB ( need full remake Main and Ballance )
➔ Main or Balance Https ( need to install cerbot or other ssl )
➔ Other Things and Fixes
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 15/01/2021
➔ Fix edit bouquets again as it was before
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 14/01/2021
➔ option to edit bouquets Resellers panel now different (cannot see bouquets not allowed), activate in settings/resellers, the old one disabled
➔ add BBcode in sending mags message
➔ add ports on manager servers
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 10/01/2021
➔ Update ffmpeg, ffprobe and youtube Main and Loadbalance ( after the update full remake main and balance required ), youtube can put the link normally that already works
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 07/01/2021
➔ Theme Dark mode OK
➔ Dark Mode Login OK
➔ Fix Folder Watch Settings OK
➔ Add Apps IPTV
➔ Updated xpcom.commonjs file
➔ Other Fixes
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 01/01/2021
➔ icons on the streams page again
➔ youtube (needs a full remake on the loadbalances they want to use)
– Add streams links to panel like this, $(youtube-dl -q -f best -g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRq1VqGI8Ko)
➔ Other Fixes
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 01/01/2021
➔ Review all files
➔ Removed gz from backups, again as sql
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 28/12/2020
➔ Fix Errors
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 26/12/2020
➔ Solved the offset error for MAC Address MAG and E2 Devices
✔ Update: XCP Panel → 25/12/2020
➔ Complete update in settings with 1 click ( no need more to update release in manager servers )
➔ Correction page mags did not appear edit bouquets on Dashboard Resellers
➔ Fix others Errors
✔ Old Updates: XCP Panel
➔ can change service name and logos in settings
➔ send mag events Dashboard resellers
➔ can disable or active send mag events Dashboard resellers in settings
➔ edit bouquets Dashboard resellers
➔ can disable or active edit bouquets Dashboard resellers in settings
➔ selectable network interface
➔ language pack PT ES FR IT EN in edit profile admins and resellers
➔ message on the resellers panel
➔ ISP Lock and Reset ISP Dashboard Admin
➔ ISP Lock and Reset ISP Dashboard Resellers
➔ can disable or active ISP Lock Dashboard resellers in settings
➔ can disable or active Reset ISP Dashboard resellers in settings
➔ manuals page in dashboard resellers
➔ can disable or active manuals page Dashboard resellers in settings
➔ kill connections in device mags and enigma2
➔ channel info, ip and flag, ISP and uptime in page Users, Device Mags and Enigma2
➔ can change the expiry time Line Dashboard Admin
➔ total Input and total Output Dashboard Admin
➔ reorder Menus
➔ page Login flood
➔ page security center
➔ mac adresse in activity logs and connections logs
➔ installation load balance through the panel ➔ FIXED
➔ update geolite2 ➔ FIXED
➔ Priority Backup
➔ Restart Services and Reboot Server running on the Panel on manager servers FIXED
➔ modified force_reload_epg ➔ now before loading the epg, empty the epg_data table so it doesn’t get huge
➔ Remake Server running on the Panel on manager servers
➔ Fixed error when rebooting and restart servives to the main server
➔ Fixed Player to dynamicaly use https or http
➔ Auto Backup FIXED in settings
➔ Renew expiring M3U, MAG and ENIGMA2 in Dashboard resellers
➔ Full remake Balance
➔ Map Live Users by Country Dashboard Admin
➔ Map Activity Users by Country Dashboard Admin
➔ Server Monitor
➔ other things